ROOTED Weekly: 29 August 2020

In the Hurricane

Wednesday afternoon, I left my classroom shortly after my last class of the day. The skies to the south and east looked ominous and gray. Houston—along with all of East Texas and most of Louisiana—was bracing for the impact of Hurricane Laura.

That night, my little family braced for the storm that, fortunately, never really hit us. We dealt with a few power outages, but we were lucky to be spared any real consequences. These outages caused us to cancel our online learning programs for Thursday and Friday, so I've ended up with a four-day weekend, a welcome respite from the challenges of this new school year.

It reminded me that it's a good thing to take a step back every now and then, to be thankful for this moment.

We were lucky, but that's not the case for everyone. A pandemic, civil unrest, and a hurricane have all conspired to make this past week a trying one, to be sure.

  • Our thoughts and prayers go out to those impacted by Hurricane Laura.
  • Our thoughts and prayers go out to Kenosha, Wisconsin.
  • Our thoughts and prayers go out to all of you.

May you be happy. May you be healthy. May you be safe.

This Week on ROOTED

Do Not Hurry; Do Not Rest
We cannot rush into a new school year, and, yet, we also cannot rest. We constantly work to make things a little better today than they were the day before.

From Around the Web

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David Redmond (@MrDRedmond) tweeted an illustration of the benefits of student agency. Love the visual! I see some posters coming to classrooms near me.